Who is the Irish Owl?

My human name is Sarah, I am in my 40s, living in Northern Ireland with my family which is both human and furry.


I have a 'healing room' attached to my home. Clients are both in person and remote around the world.

I do not follow a religion.


However, I am spiritual and use some traditional practises, believing we all need 'connection' of some sort in this experience we are having.


I connect with my higher self and make reference to, for example, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, the universe (source)


I believe we co-create our realities, that we have free will, and the soul is eternal. Energy is not destroyed it is transformed.

I love embracing nature and the elements around us such as the sun and the moon, and love being "witchy"

I connect with people from many backgrounds when doing my holistic work, and love this element and feel it is a privilege.

We can all respectfully have different ideas and beliefs, be non judgemental and agree that the foundation of life is LOVE.

My professional spiritual journey commenced in late 2016, whilst living in South Africa when I started giving paid psychic readings, which progressed to giving talks, co-hosting spiritual circles, training in Past Life Regression and then completing  USUI Reiki when I returned to Ireland. Although i do not hold trauma counselling qualifications, I would say I am trauma informed, which is important with my work.

The name The Irish Owl was gifted to me in a dream, and has been with me ever since


I can be enigmatic, have a huge laugh, unusual eyes and am perfectly imperfect!


I wish you so much love and empowerment in this lifetime and beyond









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