
Reiki is a practice that is thousands of years old, and was re-discovered in the 1800s in Japan called USUI Reiki.


In its most simple meaning, we can define Reiki as UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY. 


Some may say this is God, others the Universe, some say a higher power, the list goes on.


There are many 'types' Of Reiki globally, the one that I trained in with lineage is USUI. It originated in the East and was brought into the West.


This healing modality is where I actively channel this energy using energy centres in your body.


The Goal?


A greater feeling of overall well being, for the body, mind and soul.

I am the conduit, and a healer in that sense, but your own 'self' receives the healing and 'you heal you'.


Some benefits may include


  • Helping to relieve pain, stress, anxiety and depression
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Ease fatigue and give you more energy
  • May enhance spiritual connection
  • Help balance your overall energetic energies

Who can benefit?


Anyone, no matter what beliefs you may have. All you need to be is open to receiving the energy, feel drawn to my own energy and trust that I will perform this sacred practice with the intent in which it is given.




It is different for everybody, but the goal is to help you feel peaceful and relaxed and/or uplifted. You may feel some heat sensations in various parts of your body during your session, some people see colours, some people don't experience anything. All of these things are ok, and anything else you may experience. 


When finished you should feel at peace, for some it gives you an energy boost, other times it may feel like you are lighter. Every Reiki session is different.



Due to this being energy work, the amazing beauty of this practice is that the receiver can be literally anywhere, so I can offer it in person in my healing room in Ireland, or I can also remotely work with you anywhere in the world.




A session is usually 1 hour that is broken down into 15 minutes of going through some questions to tailor your experience and then 45 minutes of channelling the energy. 




If you come to see me in person, you would lie down fully clothed on my healing bed, get really comfortable, and I would place a blanket over you (or not if you prefer). You would simply relax and close your eyes, whilst I performed the practice over various key energy points in your body. It can be done above you with no touch, or if you were comfortable, I would place my hands sensitively on you at various points during your treatment. 


If we have arranged for a distance reiki session (meaning you are not here with me physically), then it would be ideal if you were seated or lying down somewhere that you would not be disturbed. You could perhaps light a candle, have relaxing music on or burn a favourite aromatherapy oil if that is something you do normally. and have that phone on silent. I may ask for a recent picture of you with your eyes visible, so that I can make as strong a connection with you as possible or arrange a quick call/video with you just before your treatment is about to start. Please also make sure you have some water to drink available too.


Guidelines prior to your treatment


~ Keep hydrated

~ Don't eat a heavy meal for a few hours beforehand


Guidelines following your treatment

~ Drink plenty of water

~ Be gentle with yourself

~ Perhaps don't do any vigorous activity for a few hours

~ Contact myself if you have any concerns



This is a spiritual practice, so in theory you can have it as often as you feel you need to.

Some people report that once a month works for them, others every 6 months and some like to have it more often or several sessions over several weeks if they feel the need for where they are on their life journey. Like everything, it is different for everyone.




My exchange is £33 for either in person or distance Reiki, per treatment.

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